Davao Kendo Club Official Website

Davao Kendo Club (ダバオ 剣道 クラブ) was founded on May 31, 2014, by Phillip Lim, 3rd Dan, along with a group of committed pioneering students. Their goal is to promote the principles and practices of Kendo in Davao. Significantly, it is the first Official Kendo club to be established in Mindanao after World War II. 

Guided by its instructors and visiting senseis, the club is dedicated to training new kendokas and fervently upholds the virtues and etiquette (reigi) essential to Kendo practice. The commitment to these principles ensures that the club not only teaches skills, physical aspects of Kendo but also instills the core values and discipline that define the martial art.

Club Resident and Visiting Sensei/Senpai:

Phillip Lim, 3rd Dan
Matsuda Kazuya, 3rd Dan
Paul Minoza, 4th Dan
Kitai Shingaki, 5th Dan
Masahiro Ono, 7th Dan
David Yeo, 7th Dan
Davao Kendo Club

The Davao Kendo Club is a proud member of the United Kendo Federation of the Philippines. 

The club pioneered the establishment of school-based Kendo clubs in Davao, including:

Davao Doctors College Kendo Club (2015) - First school-based Kendo club in Davao
Ateneo De Davao Kendo Club (2017) - First university-based Kendo club in Davao
Davao City High National School Kendo Club (2022) - First public school in the Philippines to have a school-based Kendo club
Lyceum of the Philippines University Davao Kendo Club (LPUDKC) (January 2024)

Davao Kendo Club

Davao Kendo Club (ダバオ 剣道 クラブ) was founded on May 31, 2014, by Phillip Lim, 3rd Dan, along with a group of committed pioneering students. Their goal is to promote the principles and practices of Kendo in Davao. Significantly, it is the first Official Kendo club to be established in Mindanao after World War II. Guided by its instructors and visiting sensei's, the club is dedicated to training new kendokas and fervently upholds the virtues and etiquette (reigi) essential to Kendo practice. The commitment to these principles ensures that the club not only teaches skills, physical aspects of Kendo but also instills the core values and discipline that define the martial art. Club resident and visiting Sensei's / Senpai: David Yeo, 7th Dan Masahiro Ono, 7th Dan Paul Minoza, 4th Dan Phillip Lim,3rd Dan Matsuda Kazuya,3rd Dan DAVAO KENDO CLUB Affiliated with the United Kendo Federation of the Philippines started the first school-based kendo club in Davao. -Davao Doctors College Kendo Club, 2015 - first school-based kendo club in Davao -Ateneo Kendo Club, 2017 - first university school-based kendo club in Davao -Davao City High National School Kendo Club, 2022 first public school to have a school-based kendo club -Lyceum of the Philippines Davao Kendo Club, 2024 ダバオ剣道クラブ(ダバオ 剣道 クラブ)は、2014年5月31日にフィリップ・リム(3段)と共に献身的な先駆者の学生たちによって設立されました。その目的は、ダバオにおける剣道の理念と実践を広めることです。特に、第二次世界大戦後、ミンダナオで最初の公式な剣道クラブとして設立された点が重要です。 クラブは指導者や訪問する先生方の指導の下、新しい剣士たちを訓練し、剣道の練習に欠かせない礼儀(礼儀)を熱心に守り続けています。これらの理念に対する献身は、クラブが単に技術や剣道の身体的側面を教えるだけでなく、武道を定義する核心的な価値観や規律を身に付けさせることを確実にします。 クラブの常駐および訪問する先生方/先輩たち: デイビッド・ヨウ(7段) 小野正弘(7段) ポール・ミノザ(4段) フィリップ・リム(3段) 松田和也(3段) ダバオ剣道クラブ フィリピン剣道連盟に加盟しており、ダバオで最初の学校を拠点とする剣道クラブを設立しました。 ダバオ・ドクターズ・カレッジ剣道クラブ、2015年 - ダバオで最初の学校ベースの剣道クラブ アテネオ剣道クラブ、2017年 - ダバオで最初の大学ベースの剣道クラブ ダバオ市立高等学校剣道クラブ、2022年 - 公立学校として最初に学校ベースの剣道クラブを設立 フィリピン・リセウム・ダバオ剣道クラブ、2024年
Davao Kendo Club
Davao Kendo Club2 days ago
Officers of Davao Kendo Club attended the National Day Reception held on February 13, 2024 to Celebrate the birthday of His Majesty The Emperor of Japan.

Our heartfelt gratitude to Consul General Ishikawa-san the host of the evening. It is to our delight to be a part of the festivities and cultural exchanges during this event.

Photo: DKC Representatives with Consul General Ishikawa Yoshihisa and his wife Madame Cherry Ishikawa.

Consulate General of Japan in Davao 在ダバオ日本国総領事館 #japanconsulateindavao japan_consulate_in_davao #davaokendoclub Davao Kendo Club
Davao Kendo Club
Davao Kendo Club2 days ago
Feb 15, 2025 Kata Keiko

We would like to thank Keitai Shingaki sensei for our first Saturday Kata Keiko!

Kendo kata benefits and enhances physical, mental and emotional being , while also deepening ones understanding in the art of Kendo.

Join us on our future Kata sessions!
Begin your Kendo journey with Davao Kendo Club. Message us for more details.
Davao Kendo Club
Davao Kendo Club4 weeks ago
Documentary Video of Master Wonhong Lee Kendo Seminar held on Jan.10-11, 2024 at Davao Kendo Club Dojo.

Thank you to Master Wonhong Lee 8th Dan and 7th Dan Master Sang Seok Park for teaching this seminar. This event would not have been possible without Phillip Lim sensei founding sensei of Davao Kendo Club and Tiger Kendo Club,Cris K. Cho for collaborating with us for this seminar in Davao City.

Video made by Phillip Lim Sensei

+63 917 105 4780
Visit the Davao Kendo Dojo at Budo Senshi Martial Arts Center , Fairlanes Bowling Alley, F. Torres Street, Davao City.

Stay connected with the club on social media:
Facebook: Davao Kendo Club
Instagram: www.instagram.com/davaokendo
X (Twitter): https://x.com/davaokendoclub
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@davaokendo
For more information, visit our website at www.davaokendo.com.

Keiko Schedules:
Regular Classes
Tues, Wed, & Fri 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Sats 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Kid’s Class
Sats 3:00pm- 4:30pm
Davao Kendo Club
Davao Kendo Club
Davao Kendo Club4 weeks ago
We would like to thank Phillip Lim Sensei, the founding sensei of Davao kendo Club for returning to Davao City to train with us from Korea. In this past month you have only shown love and dedication to the club, that we are honored and humbled to have you teach kendo at the dojo again. The time you have spent with us was always full of joy and teachings. We will always be grateful for your support and look forward to your return. ❤️

Safe trip on your flight back home to Korea Lim Sensei! 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇‍♂️

Thank you to Isami Senpai and Shingaki Sensei for teaching Saturday Keiko! ☺️

+63 917 105 4780

Visit the Davao Kendo Dojo at Budo Senshi Martial Arts Center , Fairlanes Bowling Alley, F. Torres Street, Davao City.

Stay connected with the club on social media:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/davaokendo
Instagram: www.instagram.com/davaokendo
X (Twitter): https://x.com/davaokendoclub
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@davaokendo
For more information, visit our website at www.davaokendo.com.

Keiko Schedules:

Regular Classes
Tues, Wed, & Fri 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Sats 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Kid’s Class
Sats 3:00pm- 4:30pm
Davao Kendo Club
Davao Kendo Club4 weeks ago
Behind the scenes photos from Master Won Hong Lee’s Kendo Seminar held on Jan.10-11, 2024 at Davao Kendo Club Dojo.

Thank you to Master Wonhong Lee 8th Dan and 7th Dan Master Sang Seok Park for teaching this seminar. This event would not have been possible without Phillip Lim sensei founding sensei of Davao Kendo Club and Tiger Kendo Club for working with us in bringing these amazing people to Davao City.

+63 917 105 4780

Visit the Davao Kendo Dojo at Budo Senshi Martial Arts Center , Fairlanes Bowling Alley, F. Torres Street, Davao City.

Stay connected with the club on social media:

Facebook: Davao Kendo Club
Instagram: www.instagram.com/davaokendo
X (Twitter): https://x.com/davaokendoclub
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@davaokendo
For more information, visit our website at www.davaokendo.com.

Keiko Schedules:

Regular Classes
Tues, Wed, & Fri 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Sats 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Kid’s Class
Sats 3:00pm- 4:30pm
Davao Kendo Club
Davao Kendo Club1 month ago
Master Won Hong Lee Kendo Seminar - January 10-11, 2025

Last weekend Davao Kendo Club in collaboration with Tiger Kendo Club conducted a 2-day kendo Seminar instructed by 8th Dan Master Wonhong Lee and 7th Dan Master Sang Seok Park from the Korean Kumdo Association. Kendokas from different dojos across Philippines such as, Cebu Kendo Club, Kenyukai and Davao Sword gathered at the opportunity to learn from these masters. Not a second of the day was wasted and, with vigor and spirit to every strike we celebrated kendo in Davao City!☺️

With heartfelt thanks we welcome 8th Dan Master Won Hong Lee as Davao Kendo Club’s Honorary Teacher. We look forward to the future with you.🙇🏻‍♀️

Many thanks to 7th Dan Master Sang Seok Park for taking the time to travel to Davao City with Master Lee in order to lead the seminar. To our founding Sensei- Phillip Lim, Tiger Kendo Club and United Kendo Federation of the Philippines for their support and efforts in this seminar, and to all the participating kendokas and parents who joined and supported this event, thank you everyone! ❤️

+63 917 105 4780

Visit the Davao Kendo Dojo at Budo Senshi Martial Arts Center , Fairlanes Bowling Alley, F. Torres Street, Davao City.

Stay connected with the club on social media:

Facebook: Davao Kendo Club
Instagram: www.instagram.com/davaokendo
X (Twitter): https://x.com/davaokendoclub
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@davaokendo
For more information, visit our website at www.davaokendo.com.

Keiko Schedules:

Regular Classes
Mon, Tues, Wed, & Fri 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Sats 6:00pm - 8:30pm

Kid’s Class
Sats 3:00pm- 4:30pm

#philippinekendo #philippines #kendoka #kendoislife #kendo #kendoka #davaokendoclub #davaokendo #DKC #davao #Philippines #DavaoCity
Davao Kendo Club